Stomach Bug and Negotiating Foreign TLC

I was doing so well! Unfortunately, I came down with a 36 hour stomach bug, which involved lots of trips down to the bathroom and one particularly uncomfy night of feverish chills. My host family was great, made me chicken soup with Peruvian choclo corn, white rice, tea, and Chinese mantou. Really, if I had to get sick, besides being in San Francisco with my mom and Bubs taking care of me, I really could not have been in a better place.

About 24 hours in, I was feeling on the mend, but still taking it slow food wise, slowly reintroducing veggies, meat and dairy back into my diet. My host mom went to cupboard and pulled out an old bottle and said I should take five Chinese pills that should help.

My first instinct when thinking of pills from China is to use caution. I felt like I was on the road the recovery and didn’t want to mess it up. I also knew that Wendy was offering the herbal remedy to me in good faith and obviously was not trying to hurt me and didn’t want to seem like I didn’t trust her or appreciate her and Mariela’s support and care.

I explained that I was feeling better and didn’t need it now, but maybe if I still didn’t feel great in 12 hours, I’ll take them. Wendy left the bottle on the counter and said I could take them if I wanted and didn’t seem offended.

I feel back to normal now, had chicken, avocado and corn for lunch and have got the bounce back in my step.

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