How Does Halloween Work in Apartment Buildings?

Today, I was reading in a cafe in Lima. I had just taken a particularly sweet sip of iced coffee, savoring the grainy, undissolved sugar crystals, and looked up to see three kids all dressed up for Halloween. They had come to the cafe to trick-or-treat.

I have found memories trick-or-treating in my neighborhood in San Francisco, going from house to house, knowing my dad would eat the snickers in the days to follow. I never went to small businesses, though. I should have tried that!

I didn’t live in a neighborhood with apartment buildings, but I do live in one now in Lima. I’m still not quite sure how trick-or-treating works in an apartment building (building doesn’t have many young kids). Is the doorman responsible for all trick-or-treaters, or can you go up to certain flats for a treat?

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